So, here's where I am. I have contacted a Birthing home, Maison de Naissance and told them of my intentions.
Please visit their website: http://www.maisondenaissance.org/
Here's some information I got from Cindy Obenhaus, Program Director, Maison de Naissance Foundation (abbreviated),
"Thank you so much for your open heart and willingness to help MN's mothers and babies!
1. Of course, we love $$$ as this goes directly to operations at MN to provide the maternal child services that are needed there.
Just to give you an idea, the programming costs of Maison de Naissance including patient care, transportation, salaries, etc per month = ~$50,000! It is a great misconception that Haiti is a cheap place to do mission work. Inflation has been as high as 45% in recent years, yet the average income per year is about $400-500 US.
Family Planning visit, Prenatal Visit, Welcome Kit for Baby all cost ~$50 (includes the lab tests, medications, etc)
Vaccinations: $10 for one baby visit with vaccination, $100 supplies all the recommended visits and vaccines for one year. *These are approximate costs
2. A couple of ideas for donations: (we no longer accept used baby clothing or equipment, only new)
Newborn to 12 months baby clothing: such as onsies, diapers (cloth w/ pins), t-shirts, lightweight sleepers, bibs, hats, Baby blankets, Diaper bags, Gifts for mothers such as toiletry kits, nice lotions, hair brushes, mirrors, etc
3. Arts and Crafts supplies for our mother's clubs: jewelry kits, beading kits, flower making kits
These are all great things to collect as many Haitian mothers and babies never get new cloths or items as everything seems to be hand-me down, used clothing from the US that is sold in markets. We like to be able to give our mothers and babies nice, new items because they deserve it and they appreciate it so much."
So, there is definitely a need.
I also created a logo for the project, >>>>see it to the right.
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